In the latest episode of The Bachelor, Joey Graziadei made some surprising eliminations, narrowing down his potential life partners to four: Daisy, Kelsey A., Maria, and...
In the ongoing saga of Vanderpump Rules’ Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, tensions escalate as Sandoval responds to Madix’s legal bid to sell their shared home....
Known for her instrumental role in shaping the drama-filled narratives of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Princess Benton-Lofters is now stepping into the limelight herself, starring...
Jeremy Renner, the acclaimed actor known for his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, opens up about his ongoing recovery journey in an exclusive interview with...
Alyssa Milano, renowned actress and activist, is standing up against online trolls targeting her 12-year-old son, Milo, on Instagram. The backlash follows Milano’s request for financial...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed Paytm’s payments bank subsidiary to cease accepting fresh deposits from March, signaling a substantial setback for one of...
In a significant stride toward greening its energy portfolio and achieving climate targets, tech behemoth Google has finalized its largest-ever power purchase agreement (PPA) with offshore...
In a groundbreaking move, the NBA has announced that the upcoming 2024 NBA Draft will transition from a single-night event to a two-day extravaganza. The first...
The Green Bay Packers have made a surprising move by appointing Jeff Hafley, the head coach of Boston College, as their new defensive coordinator, as announced...
The evolving dynamics between characters Ben and Addison during Quantum Leap Season 2 brought about changes in real-life friends Caitlin Bassett and Raymond Lee. In an...